Business Manager & Representatives
Business Manager & Financial Secretary-Treasurer | Steve Davis |
Assistant Business Manager | Owin Baxter |
Business Representative | Jeff Lind |
Business Representative | Troy Clutchey |
Organizer | Derek Robinson |
Health & Benefits Administration
Administrator: | Tara Perkins |
Pension Plan Trustees
Union | Employers |
Paul Daniels | Viha Nguyen (Viaduct Sheet Metal) |
Jeff Lind | Mark McLaren (Ridge Sheet Metal Ltd.) |
Steve Davis | Tony Caputo (Eby & Sons) |
Health Benefit Trustees
Union | Employers |
Jeff Lind | Phil McDonald (Summit Sheet Metal) |
Steve Davis | Ryan Atkinson (Ames Metal Fabricators) |
Damien Morrison | Chris Vilness (101/CIMS) |
Apprenticeship & Training Offices
Sheet Metal Workers’ Training Centre
19077 – 95A Avenue Surrey, B.C. V4N 4P3 – Main
5514 275th Street Langley, B.C. V4W 3X7 – Valley
Apprenticeship & Training Coordinator
Training Coordinator: | Jud Martell |
Head Instructor: | Jake LeBlanc |
Sheet Metal Industry Training Board
Union | Employers |
Troy Clutchey | Paul Charbonneau (Cascade Metal Design Ltd.) |
Joseph Ponsart | Mark Miller (Spectrum Sheet Metal Ltd) |
Steve Davis | Mark Kuelle (Austin Metal Fabricators Limited Partnership) |
Owin Baxter | Derek Crowie (Summit Sheet Metal) |
Joint Apprenticeship Committee of the Roofing Industry (JACRI)
Union | Employers |
Steve Davis | Alex Goldie (Admiral Roofing Ltd.) |
Jeff Lind | Tony Caputo (Eby & Sons) |
Jud Martell – Training Coordinator | |
Local Union Officers
President: | Jud Martell |
Vice-President: | James Plett |
Recording Secretary: | Jason Leigh |
Business Manager & Financial Secretary-Treasurer | Steve Davis |
Conductor: | Connor Smith |
Warden: | Troy Martell |
Executive Board
President: | Jud Martell |
Vice-President: | James Plett |
Recording Secretary: | Jason Leigh |
Business Manager/FST | Steve Davis |
Member: | Tara McDonald |
Member: | Travis Mead |
Member: | Nicole Pasqualini |
Member: | Casey McGuire |
Member: | Paul Daniels |
Member: | Connor Sove |
Member: | Avery Martins |
Member: | Trevor Silverwood |
Member (Roofer Section): | Scott Redpath |
Member (Roofer Section): | Vacant |
Member (Production Section): | Kenneth Deutscher |
Member (Production Section): | Chris Fenske |
Apprentice Liaison | Meagan Bull |
Union Trustees
Trustee: | Derek Marchenski |
Trustee: | Lorin Lennard |
Trustee: | Joseph Ponsart |
Trustee: | Troy Martins |
| |
Sheet Metal Workers Defence Fund
Roofers Defence Fund
Production Workers Defence Fund
See: | Jud Martell |
| Steve Davis |
| |
| |
Sheet Metal Workers Joint Conference Board &
Sheet Metal Workers Joint Adjustment Board
Union | Employers |
Troy Clutchey | Justin Atherly (Boston Sheet Metal) |
Paul Daniels | Ron Bui (Austin Sheet Metal) |
Owin Baxter | Phil McDonald (Summit Sheet Metal) |
Steve Davis | Mark McLaren (Ridge Sheet Metal) |
Derek Robinson | Mike Davis (Samson Metals) |
| Jeremy Hallman (SMACNA-BC) |
| |
Roofers Joint Conference Board (CLR) &
Roofers Joint Adjustment Board (CLR)
Union | Employers |
Vacant | |
Vacant | |
| |
| |
Vancouver, New Westminster & District Building and Construction Trades Council
Delegate | Jeff Lind |
Delegate | Dan McCully |
Delegate | Ken Deutscher |
Delegate | Travis Mead |
Vancouver & District Labour Council
Delegate: | Daniel McCully |
Delegate: | Kelly Lillies |
Sheet Metal Workers’ Canadian Council
As per pre-Convention Meeting decision. The same applies to Sheet Metal Workers’ Western Conference.
B.C. & Yukon Building Trades Council Delegates
As per pre-Convention General Meeting decision.
Tri-Craft Holdings – Board Of Directors
Secretary-Treasurer: | Steve Davis |
Director: | Jud Martell |
Local 280 Promotion Fund Committee
Page last modified on Oct 23, 2024